Caitlin Lorigan Caitlin Lorigan

Appeal Not Receiving Gifts
Appeal closed at Sun, November 12 2023 5:05 PM NZDT


donated of $3,300 goal




days closed

Kia Orana Whanau 🤍

Thank you for visiting my Pacific Games giving page!! I am super excited for this trip. 

I get to be a part of an awesome opportunity coming up towards the end of this year. Athletes in Action is sending a mission team of 20 students and staff to serve at the Pacific Games in the Solomon islands. This event is the unofficial Olympics of the Pacific which will host 5000 athletes across 24 different countries. These athletes are elite in their respective sports and for many sportspeople identity and purpose is commonly found purely from their sport, rather than in Christ. However, coming from the Pacific, many athletes have an awareness of faith that is different to our western world which presents a great opportunity for us to step in and meet this need. 
There will be two areas of focus during our time in the Solomons. Firstly to the athletes. We hope to have full access as official chaplains to the dining hall, sports venues and hopefully accommodation. This is all so that we can meet with, watch, encourage, pray with and share the gospel with athletes and coaches.

Secondly we want to support the local churches in the Solomons by training their young people in discipleship and evangelism. Our hope is to encourage and empower hundreds of young people to reach their friends and families around them.

I’m reaching out to Christians who can support me financially and through prayer, to get to the Solomon Islands. If this is something you’d like to do, you’ve come to the right place! $100,$500 or $1000 can go a long way to cover the expenses of my trip such as accommodation, flights, food. 

I would love for you to consider partnering with me in this endeavour. Please do not feel any pressure from me to give. I know God has the resources and can supply my needs. 

Arohanui, Caitlin 🤍